August 2021 ARES Net Controls

Net Controls for August and Sept 6 are as follows: August 9: KB0ORZ-Thomas Thomas A Zeller August 16: KE0QCT- Steven Kreeger Jr. August 23: W0SEJ- Ronald Young August 30: KE0AKN-Steven E. Kreeger Sr. September 6: N0UQC- John McBride

Jasper County March 2021 Net Controls

Net Controls for March are the following: March 8- KB0ORZ Thomas A Zeller March 15- N0UQC John McBride March 22- W0SEJ Ronald Young March 27- KE0CZR Milton Grissom April 5- KE0AKN Steven E. Kreeger Sr.

Minutes from Tuesday February 2, 2021 ARES meeting:

Pledge of Allegiance was doneNet Controls were decided for the monthSilver Creek is approved for remainder of year. First Tuesdays will be ARES meeting and Fourth Tuesday will be training/buildingEveryone was reminded that ARES drills are 3rd Tuesday at 7:00pmARES has option to run a booth for Joplin Memorial Run, pendingARES main frequencies are 444.625 […]

January 5, 2020 ARES Meeting

Here is a request for everyone. If you know somebody that is interested in HAM radio and would like to join, ask them to our January 5th meeting. Our January meeting will be discussions on training for 2021 and possible ventures with our new partners.Note for leaders, we need to come up with a plan […]

Weekly Nets

There are three nets every Monday night: 7:00 pm Skywarn 145.350 7:30 pm JARC 444.625 8:00 pm ARES 444.625

November ARES Meeting

The meeting was great last night. The following members were present; KA0TUD, KE0AKN, KE0CZR, KB0ORZ, KE0QCT, KE0OPP, and KE0KOW. Skywarn recognition day December 4-5. Everyone donated gifts and canned goods to be given to the Salvation. Net Controls for December are: 7th-KB0ORZ, 14th-NOUYC, 21st-KE0AKN, 28 is proposed for W0SEJ.

Webb City Parade 2020

The Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Group will be involved in the 2020 Webb City Christmas Parade. Parade is Wednesday evening December 9, 2020 at 6:30 pm