Jasper County ARES Simulated Drill Exercise

Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
Disaster Drill Simulation
March 15, 2022

Joplin City Hall has been hit with an explosion.
Unknow source of type and repercussion.
Emergency Manager has deployed the Jasper County Amateur Radio group coordinate reduction of traffic into Downtown Joplin. Radio coordination between check points.
The group will be utilizing the Joplin repeater 147.210. Approval has been given by the trustee to utilize it. It will be activated at 7:00 pm.
The group will be notified by phone of their location destination. They are to report of departure and arrival to destination.
Once all is all checked in. The members will convert to HTs to test if everyone can be heard.
Incident command will be located at 5th Main St for center of covered area.

6:50 pm Announce the drill exercise
7:00 pm Call all operators
7:30 pm Operators should be checking in
7:45 pm Test HTs among all users
8:00 pm Complete exercise and have users report when designated to home locations.

March and First Week of April Net Controls for ARES

Net Controls for the Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services Group for March 2022 and first week of April are the following:

March 7, 2022 Thomas Zeller KB0ORZ
March 14, 2022 Steven E Kreeger Sr KE0AKN
March 21, 2022 Andy Gabbert KA0TUD
March 28, 2022 Ron Young W0SEJ
April 4, 2022 John McBride N0UQC
All nets are held on the 444.625 frequency with a PL tone of 91.5. Nets begin at 8:00 pm on Monday evenings.

Jasper County Simulated Emergency Drill

Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
February 15, 2022 Drill Exercise

A simulated ARES drill exercise was conducted on Tuesday, February 15. The simulation was that Modine and Eagle Picher was both bombed by unknown sources.
The command center was set up at the Big Lots parking lots.

The ARES group was detailed to go to designated locations and give status of those sites. Reports was also given if any local fire departments had dispatched from the area that they were dispatched to. Sirens were going off from fire trucks around the command center.

The exercise was started at 7:00 pm. It was not complete until 7:30pm after checked in that they were back home on their home locations.

The following members were assigned to locations below:
Steven Sr KE0AKN Command Center
(Ran communications from ICS)

Steven Jr KE0QCT Fire Station 5
(All trucks were on site and available)

Jennifer KE0OPP Fire Station 1
(One truck was being dispatched}

Thomas KB0ORZ Ozark Christian School
(No activity was present)

Zachariah KE0KOW Duenwig Fire Station
(All trucks present)

Ray KB0STN Freeman East
(All fire trucks were available at closest station)

Ron W0SEJ Oronogo Fire Department)
(One truck was missing from location)

John N0UQC MSSU Stadium
(Light car and people traffic)

Two non-members volunteered for support:
Don KOEMF MSSU Stadium
(All was OK and no issues)

John KE0AQA MSSU main campus
(No activity)

Two missing members:
Milton KE0CZR

Report completed on February 17, 2022 by Steven E Kreeger Sr, KE0AKN. Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Jasper County ARES.

Jasper County ARES Meeting Minutes February 1, 2022

1) Pledge of Allegiance
Steven Sr
Steven Jr

2) Net Controls for February
21-Steve Sr
March 7-Steven Jr

3) Discussion on Simplex Nets, especially 146.400
Simplex vs Jim Scotts Repeater-A Simplex frequency

4) Location of Meetings, EDS building vs Church
Before getting the church-Set up Zoom meeting(zoom is monitored)
EDS is still on Covid restriction Till Feb 7th. Will revisit later. March Meeting at Church

5) Meetings on Tuesdays and/or Saturdays
We Will look into March 8th for Tuesday Meeting and March 12th for Sat Meeting.

6) Upcoming weather status, possible net active
Watch Radars and Patti gave permision to work with Skywarn on 350. and 625. Steve will be monitoring

7) JARC Meeting discussion on representatives
Jon & Ray, Rex invited ARES to April 12th Meeting to see zoom meeting with Bob Heil at church in Lowell, KS. HAM Fest Sept 30 and Oct 1 at Elks lodge in Joplin. Also he stated that the Club is looking into getting a building that is just Radio Clubs.

8) Quarterly Healthcare Nets on 145.350/145.390
Ron Ray Steve 2nd Thursday of quarter(Next in April)

9) ARES Emails. Emails generated from Web Page
Verify everyone is getting these

10) Training for ARES Plan. Starting with FEMA IS-800
Everyone needs to complete FEMA Training

11) Pending discussion with Meteorologist Doug Cramer on weather spotting on flooding
Doug is discussing with Steve in regards to being dispatched for Flooding. Doug is working on the plan and will be getting with us to get this processed.

12) Comments from EC – Andy Gabbert-None

Volunteer Work Discuss-Will work with local organizations to see what we can assist with.

ARES Training:
Fox hunts presentation
Radio to go kits
Weather demos
Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc

Upcoming Weather webinars:

Upcoming Events:
SVITAK Bike Ride August 13, 2022-We Will Sponsor
Joplin Coalition Events, Pending
Third Thursday’s closing April-October
Red Shoe Run, Pending
Gorilla Bike Ride pending

What is ARES

ARES is an acronym for Amateur Radio Emergency Service, a public service of the ARRL (American Radio Relay League), the United States’ national association of amateur radio operators. ARES KANSAS is one of many state, county, and city ARES organizations throughout the United States.

ARES is an all volunteer organization which provides auxiliary radio communications without charge to:
government agencies during times of emergency, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and forest fires other organizations active in emergencies, such as hospitals or the American Red Cross and other groups running festivals, parades, fund raising events and similar community or public service events.

ARES can provide essential communications when: telephone and cellular systems, or an agency’s regular radio systems, are disrupted or overloaded communications are needed at spots where telephone lines and cell coverage are not possible.

ARES operators can establish communications at any location, with or without commercial electrical service, using special amateur radio equipment and frequencies granted by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

ARES January 4, 2022 Meeting Notes

Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
January 4, 2022
Attending Meeting:
Steve Sr

Ron-11 Members Active

1) Pledge of Allegiance
2) Net Controls for January 2022
Jan 10-Thomas
Jan 17-Andy
Jan 24-Ron
Jan 31-Simplex-Steven Sr
Feb 7-John
3) ARES Standardized Training Plan-Thomas Zeller
HF-On a laptop or computer/Winlink
4) Comments from EC-Andy Gabbert
a) Corrections of the AEC’s listed-District D/Jasper Co. Waiting on Tom to get it updated
b) Communications/Repeaters being used-outdated and need to be updated
c) CERT/ARES-Find a new location for those that do not have Cert. Mavis is getting CPR Cert and will let us know when she gets it
d) Discussion of communications Exercise-Drill:Stay home and Steve will advise of the location and then we go to the location. Potentially try it as simplex next.
5) Suggestions of events for 2022-
1) Third Thursday, Get Ron/Ray Cross Repeater set up to help with Communications/Speak with Jim Scotts-Building, Steve Check with Lori about access to City Hall/Volunteer Meeting. Taller Tower/Simplex. Parrot Device?
2) Jennifer Checking with Rhonda at B&G Club to do Summer Event
6) New link on Facebook. Central Region Storm Trackers. Similar to Missouri Skywarn Net Controls.
7) ARES Drill exercise
8) Suggestion: if you are on the roads, check into to at least one of the repeaters. Good way to be sure your equipment is working.
9) Weather watching and reporting-Educating people on reporting weather to the correct Station
10) Final comments and/or questions.ARES Training:
a) Fox hunts presentation
b) Radio to go kits
c) Weather demosd)Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etcUpcoming Weather webinars:
Upcoming Events:
a) Pryor Oklahoma Tailgate: Jan 15, 2022 8:00am
b) Girl Scouts in Columbus-Project April 2022
c) Sent list of Runs in the Area to Steve Sr. to look into
d) Looking into Ron doing a General/extra training-4 week days or 3 weekend days

Send in a picture of your Station-Feb Meeting

White Board:
Projects: ARES
Fox Hunt
Weather Demos
Radio Go Kits
Radio Repairs
Antenna Repairs
Soldier Cable Ends
ARES Field Exercise

Projects: SATERN
Antenna Rebuild
CB Antenna
Satellite Dish Card

Radio Nets
1/22/22-10:10AM Lake of the ozark Net-145.350
1/15/22-Pryor Tailgate 8AM-3PM
1/20/22-SWMO-Healthcare Radio Net

Friday Nights-Ditrict D ARES Net-7:30P-145.390

December 11, 2021 ARES Meeting

Time- 12:30pm-2:00pm
Steven Jr
Steve Sr

Donating to Ronald McDonald in 2022
Jasper recognized on skyward recognition day.
Santa network dec 14 HF 3.916
Training for next year
New books come out in July 2022
Meeting dates tuesday and Saturday
Community functions
Boys and girls club in Summer
Girl scout in April
Carthage fire chief retiring
Ask about Mall event
Display at Walmart?
Events for 2022
Next meeting Jan 4th at EDS
Bring new idea for 2022
Tuesday Drill-assigned location then move to new location
Steve-get a list of tornado shelters in joplin
Find out about dipole in Saturn trailer