June 7 ARES Meeting Minutes

Steve Needs to go get the Flag out of the EDS Building

Steve Sr
Steven Jr
John M.

Joplin ARES Meeting June 7th 2022

June 6-John
June 13-Andy
June 20-Steve Sr
June 27-Ron
July 4th-Skip for the Holiday

July Meeting is July 5th

Andy’s Comments-Earthquake drill in July-Look into when and where

Community events-Jennifer Needs to get with Boys and Girls Club about doing an event there, Ron is going to check with Mavis about events in Columbus, KS

3rd Thursday For ARES continues
June 16th-Traffic 8PM
July 21st-Traffic 8PM
Aug 18th-Traffic 8PM
Sept 15th-Traffic 8PM
Oct 20th-Setting up booth.

Jasper Training-No Drill-we will be doing Fox hunt training at Salvation Army Building behind EDS building-June 21st with Ray-Steve will contact him and schedule him for that meeting

ARES Meeting for 2022-Calender-Handed out

Future Spotter Team (KSMO Storm Spotter Alliance) Spotters will have to aquire required education-Patty Flowers will come in and set up training plus Meted training. Please access training via Jasper Co ARES facebook page or contact Steve or Jennifer to get the link emailed to you.

Looking for New Location for Meetings-Check with community locations, Parks(pavilions)

Looking into getting a meeting set up with Mrs Svitak to discuss Run

If interested in finding more out about the Stormspotters Check out Texarkana Stormspotters on Facebook

Ron showed off the directional finding antenna for the foxhunt. Needs someone to cut the wood he can create the wires and solder them.

Japer County ARES June 7th Agenda

Jasper County, Missouri
Amateur Radio Emergency Services
June 7, 2022
1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members
2) Net Controls for the Following:
June 6
June 13
June 20
June 27
July 4 ??

3) Comments from EC Andy Gabbert
4) Comments from AECs
5) Community events, looking for suggestions
6) Third Thursday for ARES continues June 9, 16,23 and 30 to assist on closing.
7) Jasper Training (no drill) Third Tuesday June 21st.
8) ARES Calendar for June 2022
9) ARES Events for 2022
10) Future Spotter Team (KSMO Storm Spotter Alliance)
Spotters will have to acquire required education
11) Looking for a new location for meetings

ARES Training: (third Tuesdays ???)

a) Fox hunts presentation
b) Radio to go kits
c) Weather demos
d) Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc
e) Show your shack
f) Program radios manually ******
g) APRS System


Stateline ARES Nets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. 147.240 and 146.940 repeaters are linked. Time may change to 7:00 pm if nets run out of time.

Jasper County ARES has two nets on Monday evenings. One at 7:00 pm for Skywarn Weather and one at 8:00 pm for Jasper County ARES.

June ARES Meeting

The next ARES meeting is going to be held at the main Salvage Army Corp building. 320 E 8th, Joplin, Mo. on Tuesday June 7th at 7:00 pm.
I am going to try to set up zoom for the meeting. No promises, wish me luck.

Topic: Jasper Co. Meeting
Time: Jun 7, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the First Tue, until Dec 6, 2022, 7 occurrence(s)
Jun 7, 2022 07:00 PM
Jul 5, 2022 07:00 PM
Aug 2, 2022 07:00 PM
Sep 6, 2022 07:00 PM
Oct 4, 2022 07:00 PM
Nov 1, 2022 07:00 PM
Dec 6, 2022 07:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZwkduqrqj4oH9ZW6cceOglIr8hS37AiuFUi/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGgpzopGdCQshyFRpw-HYj4b-nwiCVBgvpnq0nmACV8ZQ_fJLpKAeEoMdHF

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 1334 5252
Passcode: 119834
One tap mobile
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+16465588656,,88913345252#,,,,*119834# US (New York)

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+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 889 1334 5252
Passcode: 119834
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbR76xKsE

Jasper County ARES Meeting 05/03/2022 with Minutes

Jasper County, Missouri
Amateur Radio Emergency Services
May 3, 2022

12 Operators present for the meeting

1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members. Pass out calendars
Discussed events listed on Calendar
:Updated Time on 5-17 to 7PM.

2) Net Controls for the Following:
May 9:-Thomas
May 16:-Andy
May 23:-Ron
May 30:(Simplex)-Milton or Steve Sr
June 06:-John

3) .210 repeater is used for Skywarn, Cherokee County Nerds will assist with this. Bylaws are in the works.

4) Discussion on WRN Presentation
John and Steve went to the church and presented, it went really well with lots of questions, concluded this with
a cupcake presentation, got alot of great feedback

5) Discussion on Girl Scout event-
Several went up, was a great hit with the Girl scouts, Antennas, wires-x, several different radios and morse code.

6) Third Thursday for ARES continues May 19 to assist on closing. 14.700 worked great.
Speak with Daya about when MSSU event is and see what 3rd Thursday we want to set up
Need names whom will support
Steven JR
Steve Sr

7) ARES Meeting on Jasper Vintage Tour is May 17, 2022 at 7:00pm at Salvation Building.

8) Zoom capability for members whom cannot make it into meetings is planned for future.
Steve is going to look into getting password for Internet so that we can do zoom meeting.

9) The 145.190 repeater has been removed from the hospital. Once location is found, repeater will become the ARES emergency repeater.
There were several people from ARES and JARC that assisted with the removal and will work on getting a location

10) Self training. Need to emphasize that there are FEMA/SEMA classes that at least everyone should acquire and especially anyone in leadership.
Everyone needs to work on going to the arrl website and check what FEMA classes you need to take and then we need to work on getting these completed. Also make sure to report how many hours you did so that we can report these for Training hours, to Ron, Steve or Jennifer.

11) Need to set up training for Fox Hunt
To track the fox we would need to build a directional antenna. Tape measure, yagi, Loop-Get Steve the material list so we can get the stuff to make it, Ray has some of the material. This is done on a fixed simplex frequency 146.585

12) What is the majority of request to build.
Steve place antenna build for 3rd Tuesday of June

13) All Spotter webinars have been completed. Be sure that if you attended any, be sure Ron Young has been notified for Training hours.

A. Fox hunts presentation-In progress
B. Radio to go kits-everyone needs to get one set up cause we cannot always take our cars. Steve needs to put together what needs to go into a Radio to go kit
C. Weather demos-We are planning on doing our own here and invite people or we can go to the location.
Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc
D. Show your shack-Take a picture of your shack or your set-up no matter how big or small.
E. Program radios manually-Potentially set for a training on 3rd Tuesday for July
F. APRS System-Need to look into utilizing this and getting it set up so that Net can see where you are with upcoming weathers
G. Message Handling-we are going to have to learn how to do this due to ARRL requirements.

15) Comments from EC Andy Gabbert

Upcoming Events:

Steve Needs to send Script to Cristian for Net control.

Jasper County ARES Meeting April 5, 2022

1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members

Introductions with 2 new Radio Operators

2) Net Controls for the Following:
April 11: Thomas
April 18: Andy
April 25: Ron
May 2: Steven Jr

3) Meetings on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Initial test date is April 9 @ 1:00 pm. -Will try this and if we need to move it we will, depends on the head count, afterwards we will be doing a Saturn meeting if you want to attend

4) NWS Weather Spotter classes are done virtually. Need to try to get familiar with other states weather webinars. (handouts x 2)-Everyone needs to try to attend at least one. Handouts-Tactical Readiness And Response, NWS Tulsa, OK-Skywarn

5) Third Thursday for ARES continues April 21 to assist on closing. Need names whom will support. Please wear a vest and bring radio
Steve Sr
Steven Jr
John McBride

6) ARES 2022 events (comments and more events may
be available)
4/21/2022-Spring River Weather event. Steven Sr and John McBride will be doing event. John is working on putting a radio out there.
Girl Scout Event 4/30/2022, be there early it starts at 8AM, all day event, bring power cords if necessary
7) Healthcare Coalition VHF/UHF Amateur Radio Test, is April 21st from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, (145.350-10:00am), (145.390-10:30 am)
Thomas stated they want people to be in the facility if allowed.

8) ARES Calendar. #Does everyone want them? YES!!!!!

9) Zoom capability for members who cannot make it into meetings is planned for the future. Meeting reminders will be sent out the night before/a few hours before via email/text.

10) Looking for a tower location for the 145.190 repeater. Repeater will become the ARES emergency repeater. Looking to take the .190 off the hospital and Rex(JARC president) is willing to donate it to ARES there is a few possibilities of where we can place it. it is still TBD.

11) Stateline ARES Nets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. 147.240 and 146.940 repeaters are linked. Time may change to 7:00 pm if nets run out of time.(Script)-Tri-County Net wants all 3 Co to check in-Jasper, Cherokee and Crawford.

12) Jasper County ARES has two nets on Monday evenings. One at 7:00 pm for Skywarn Weather and one at 8:00 pm for Jasper County ARES.

13) GMRS Radios, price has dropped for license-Milton-Effective April 19 anytime you do anything it is a cost of $35. GMRS can include a family license.

14) Bylaws for ARES rules. Need to see if we need to have them or follow JARC club bylaws. There are some and Steven and Jennifer will get these together and get them out to the club so that everyone has them.

15) Training. What is a majority vote day for training
and time frame? Antenna training and repairs. Possibly one month do Drill and then the next month do a training. 1st training will be preparing for a fox hunt.

16) Self training. Need to emphasize that there are FEMA/SEMA classes that at least everyone should acquire and especially anyone in leadership. Go online to these webpage and see what classes you can get these completed
FEMA-100, 200, 700, 800 need to be completed. Go to ARRL-look up training and the 001 and 016 are for the Advance emergency course. Meted.com-get spotter training, this is done online and you will get a Certificate. Please print this out or email the certificate to Steve Kreeger at Eaglestar2_2001@yahoo.com

17) Salvation Army EDS is working on internet capability for EDS building.

18) Comments from EC Andy Gabbert-Would like everyone to do at least Net. We need everyone to know the ARRL phonetics. Need to Monitor the HF 3.963 80 Meters

ARES Training: (need vote on when)

Fox hunts presentation
Radio to go kits
Weather demos
Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc
Show your shack
Program radios manually ******
APRS System

Upcoming Weather webinars:

Look for other states and their spotter classes

Upcoming Events:
Next ARES Day Meeting-4/9 1PM
Jasper Co LEPC-4/20(Thomas and Steve)
Spring River Weather Presentation-4/21(John and Steve)
Girl Scout Radio Event-4/30-Columbus KS
Jasper Vintage Tour-5/21-Oronogo
Svitak Bike Ride-8/13-Joplin MSSU
Gorilla Bike Run-9/3-Pittsburg KS
Red Shoe Run-9/24-Ronald McDonald House-Joplin MO
May ARES Meeting-5/3-Night Meeting 5/14-Day Meeting

Jasper County ARES Simulated Drill Exercise Drill

Member Name Remarks Call Sign Phone Call recd Radio Checked In on departure Radio checked in on destination Radio checked at home

1 Andy Gabbert Excused for disability KA0TUD X NO N/A YES
3 Milton Grissom KE0CZR X N/A N/A N/A
4 Ron Young W0SEJ X YES Y/A YES
5 Thomas Zeller KB0ORZ X YES Y/A YES
6 Ray Brown KB0STN X YES Y/A YES
7 Steven E Kreeger Jr KE0QCT X YES Y/A YES
8 Jennifer Kalishivech KE0OPP X YES Y/A YES
9 John McBride N0UQC X YES Y/A YES
10 John Horan KE0AQA X YES Y/A YES
11 Dean Brooks Excused for location KF0HBU X N/A N/A YES
12 Corey Colett KD5CWC X YES Y/A YES
13 Zach Downs KE0KOW N/A N/A N/A N/A

Destinations HT Check in
Member Location Call Sign
Jennifer Yes 3rd Joplin St KE0OPP
Ron Young No 3rd Virgina W0SEJ

John McBride No 6th Joplin St N0UQC
Steven Jr No 6th Virginia KE0QCT

Thomas Zeller Yes 2nd Main KB0ORZ
Ray Brown Yes 7th Main KB0STN

John Horan No %th Main Carthage KE0AQA
