Svitak Bike Ride August 13, 2022

Here are Rest Stops for the Svitak Bide Ride and they are filled or not:

Lawson Property (Oronogo) Ron Young

McClelland Park (Joplin) Dean Brooks

Undercliff (Tipton Ford) John McBride

Soccer Field (Joplin) Zach Downs

Mid Central Co (New) Trying to confirm actual address

Stringtown (New)

Net Controls Steven E Kreeger Sr/Steven E Kreeger Jr

Point of Contact for Ms Svitak Jennifer Kalishevich

August 2022 ARES Monthly Meeting

ARES August 2, 2022 Meeting
Jasper County, Missouri Amateur Radio Emergency Services August 2, 2022 Agenda

1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members
2) Net Controls for the Following:
August 8: Thomas
August 15: Andy
August 22: Ron
August 29: Steve/Milton
September 5: Steve
3) Comments from EC Andy Gabbert-No Comment
4) Comments from AECs-Ron-No comment/Thomas-Attendance-will discuss at 13
5) Comments from Rex Chambers president of JARC*Repeater 145.190 will be in North Carthage*145.190 will be used for ARES events(question to group, does everyone to change ARES nets on Monday to change from 444.625 to 145.190}-Table and make sure everyone can reach it
-JARC discussed about the wood bought for the fox hunt antennas-they decided not to pay due to they do not even pay for their project
-.190 Antenna tower, Rex called and spoke with Heartland towers who owns the towers in Carthage, there is a lease of $1 plus electric a year but we have to clean up the site, they have given us permission to take the horns off for scrap and we can keep the money if we get this going we may have it in a few months once the clean up is done and JARC gets it put up.

6) Third Thursday for ARES continues August 18, September 15(we are running booth), 444.625 or 2-way radio October 21 to assist on closing.
Note: Downtown Alliance director says we are doing an expert job of Joplin’s Third Thursday

7) September 18, Jasper ARES will set up a booth for third Thursday

8) JARC will set up trailer on August 18 8:30 PM Thursday

9) Jasper Training drill Third Tuesday August 1.

10) Slack Communications – Andy Gabbert-NWS just put in a update-Andy and steve will give an update

11) APRS – John McBride-Possibly using for the SVITAK run- is the link to search in your searchbox save this link and the log in as instructed and then it will give the appropriate notification

12) Future Spotter Team (KSMO Skywarn Storm Spotter Alliance)Spotters will have to acquire required education.
*Repeater 147.210 will be primary.
*Net Controls will monitor 147.210 and 145.350 (monitored ny John and Thomas)
*Backup is 444.625
*Location still pending
Note: Need to known whom currently is going to possibly join the group
Steven Sr
Steven Jr
John M
John H

13) Membership requirements for 2023.
*Must attend 4 meetings during the year
*Must attend 3 events during the year

14) Third Tuesdays will be used for training or drills.-Drill-Sept-Manual Programming a radio(Print out instructions and keep in to go kits)

15) Joplin Ham fest is September 30-October 1 at ETG Sports and Events Center

8/13/22 Svitak Bike Ride at MSSU-Need 4 Rest Stops and 2-3 Sweeps
Thomas-Sweep, Ray-Sweep, Dean-MClelland Park, Ron-Church, John-Undercliff, Jr-MSSU Net Zach-Soccer field, Steve Sr-MSSU-Net. Jennifer-Runner
9/13/22-9/16/22-SATERN ENCOMM training exercise in Joplin

9/24/22-Red Shoe Run at Ronald McDonald House-waiting for call from Rep to discuss everything

10/3/22-Gorilla Bike Ride in Pittsburg-No Update

10/7/22-10/9/22-Auxiliary Communications Course Thomas Zeller and Steven Kreeger Sr in Wichita Kansas

Nets: Stateline ARES Nets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. 147.240and 146.940 repeaters are linked. Time may change to 7:00 pm if nets run out of time.

Jasper County ARES has two nets on Monday evenings. One at 7:00 pm for Skywarn Weather and one at 8:00pm for Jasper County ARES.District D ARES net on Fridays at 7:30pm 145.390 / 91.5 Projects
a)Fox hunts exercise
b)Radio to go kits
c)Weather demos
d)Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc
e)Show your shack
f)Program radios manually
g)APRS System

Comments-Updating the Channels that are programmed. Potentially Discuss in next leadership meeting

Svitak Freedom Bike Ride 2022

This year’s Svitak Freedom Bike Ride will be held Saturday August 13th. This is an event that the Jasper County ARES group has supported for many years. Most stations will need to be ready by 6:00 am. Others at different locations will set up at different times for different routes. This year we are at the front end of preparation, so everyone get your gear tested and prepare for a great event.