Carthage Repeater 145.190

Per Thomas Zeller:

A reminder, this Saturday May 27th, there will be a workday at the 145.190 tower site. The tower is located in Carthage behind Kings Cashsaver. Go east of I-49 on Central. Go to top of hill, Baker Blvd. Turn left ( north). You should see tower. Cross street just past Kings Cashsaver, turn right. Entrance into tower is on left. Fun starts at 10 AM. Bring saws, rakes, mowers, weed eaters, gloves, eye protection, and anything else you think might aide in clearing brush.

ARES Attendance

March 1 will be the cutoff date for those that have not attending meetings lately. You will be removed and put on the inactive list and removed from email and text. If you want back in on a later date, you will need to contact the Emergency Coordinator Andy Gabbert….

Jasper County February 2023 Meeting

Jasper County, Missouri Amateur Radio Emergency Services
February 8, 2023

Steve Sr
Steven Jr

1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members
2) Net Controls for the Following:
February 13: Thomas
February 20: Steve Sr
February 27: Ron
March 6: Andy

3) Downtown Alliance Third Thursday recognition award.
4) Comments from EC-Andy Gabbert:
Topics for meeting:
1. Setting up link on Messenger Towers.(To help with 3rd Thursdays-An APRS/Transmitter/Voter/Cross-band)
2. Making Nets better. Looking into adding GMRS, linking with ARES for any future joint communication. We need to attempt to improve weekly nets, Maybe a topic or purpose, instead of just check in only.
3. Boost training, there are a lot of videos, on you-tube as a group we could be viewing, as training.
5) Comments from AECs
6) APRS.FI (John McBride) this could be used for ARES and Skywarn
7) 145.190 repeater is in final preparations for cleanup and installation.
8) ARES Task Book will be pushed for 2023. Will be distributed soon
9) KS/MO Skywarn will be going active this month. So if interested in storm spotting, check with me.
10) Any suggestions or comments from the group?

State line ARES Nets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. 147.240 and 146.940 repeaters are linked. Time may change to 7:00 pm if nets run out of time.

KS/MO Skywarn Storm Spotters Alliance Group has the 7:00 pm net on 145.350 on Mondays nights
Jasper County ARES one net on Monday evenings. At 8:00 pm for Jasper County ARES.
District D ARES net on Fridays at 7:30 pm 145.390 / 91.5

Holidays 2022

I want to wish everyone a very special Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years. I am hoping that next year will be more excitable and growing. Looking for more projects and events. We have some already on the books for some organizations. If you know of someone that may be interested in radios, Please invite them to one of our meetings.