ARES Flyer

Jasper ARES-Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services

ARES Meetings:
Meeting Place: Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Building
724 S Kentucky, Joplin, Mo
First Tuesday of each month: Emergency/Events/Training
(No Dues are required)
Emergency Coordinator: Andy Gabbert-KA0TUD
Radio Net: 444.625 / Pl tone 91.50 08:00pm Monday evenings

Facebook Page: https:// Jasper Co. Missouri ARES
District D ARES Web Page:

Jasper County ARES Web Page:


Amateur Radio Relay League ARRL

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of trained radio amateurs who provide public service communication support

ARES Flyer

Jasper ARES-Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
ARES Meetings:
Meeting Place: Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Building
724 S Kentucky, Joplin, Mo
Tuesday of each month: Emergency/Events/Training
(No Dues are required)
Emergency Coordinator: Andy Gabbert-KA0TUD
Radio Net: 444.625 / Pl tone 91.50 08:00pm Monday evenings

Facebook Page: https:// Jasper Co. Missouri ARES
District D ARES Web Page:

Jasper County ARES Web Page:


Amateur Radio Relay League ARRL

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of trained radio amateurs who provide public service communication support

August 3, 2021 ARES Meeting

ARES Meeting 8/3/2021

Steven Jr
Steven Sr

Net Controls-.625
Aug 9-Thomas
Aug 16-Steve JR
Aug 23-Ron
Aug 30-Steve SR-Simplex
Sept 6-Jon

8/14/2021-SVITAK Bike Ride-Thomas running the run-Needs a sweep and someone at the soccer field in carthage(if you want to assist please reach out to Thomas and you can go to the website for maps
8/19/2021-ARES Drill downtown Joplin-at 3rd thursday Meet at Spiva Park at 8PM until 9:15-9:30PM Make sure to bring your radio and get a vest from Lori
1 at 1st st
1 at 2nd st
1 at 3rd st
2 at each side of 4th st(East and west)
2 at 6th st(East and West)
1 at 7th St
9/4/2021-Pittsburg Gorilla Run-Steve will get with Tyler(Crawford ARES) and see how many spots are needed and will get back with the group
9/7/2021-ARES Meeting
9/11/2021-MS150 Springfield-Saturn cannot go so any ARES that is not Saturn can go(Springfield to Lebonon)Steve will get more info
9/16/2021-ARES Setup 3rd Thursday Downtown Joplin
9/18/2021-Girl Scout Event-Frontenac, KS-Want Ares to set up and display communications

August Drill will be at Third Thursday Joplin Downtown
Leadership meetings will stay the same on 4th Thursday at 7pm
The 145.350 repeater when its linked to the 490 networks, it not only a weather repeater, but also an emergency communications repeater
Third Thursday event for ARES will be in Sept on the 16th
Updated the phone tree/Phone numbers and Email/We will start the phone tree process once a month
Calender handed out showing all the events and nets for ARES and Saturn that we have coming up, Aug thru Dec.
–Update-No VE Testing Nov 18th and last VE Testing Dec 9th
Handed out ARES and Saturn Flyers for people to have and to put up.
October-Skywarn recognition day
Last Minute Notes:Andy-We need more communications so lets work on more communication within the team.
Jennifer approved for PIO, and can submit application per Andy

Saturn Events:
8/13/2021-6:30PM-9:00PM-Serv Safe food Handler(In Person)
8/14/2021-8:00AM-5:00PM Disaster Food Service Canteen Operations(In Person)
8/20/2021-6:00PM-10:00PM-Incident Command System(Virtual)Part 1
8/21/2021-8:00AM-12:30PM-Incident Command System(Virtual)Part 2
8/28/2021-1:00PM-3:00PM-Saturn Training(Setup)
9/11/2021-All Day Webb City-Patriot Event
10/??/2021-All Day Event-Springfield-SMARC Hamfest

Handed out Positions and list for approval from operators-Approved by all 8/3/2021 8:10PM
Confirm that everyone is ok with the location for the Saturn Meeting, everyone is ok with it.
Discussed on ways to get more members for Saturn and to get more operators set up for Saturn.
Meeting Ended at 8:15PM