Christmas Parades 2021

Jasper County ARES will be in the following parades to support those communities Christmas parades. We have one vehicle and trailer involved. We will have walkers walking behind passing candy out to kids.

Joplin: Tuesday December 7, 2021 6:00 pm Set-up 4:30 pm Set-up between 15th and 24th
Webb City: Wednesday December 8, 2021 6:00 pm Set-up 4:30 pm Set-up W. 2nd Street.

Jasper County ARES November Minutes 2021

Jasper County
Amateur Radio Emergency Services
November 2, 2021
Meeting Notes

1) Pledge of Allegiance was conducted
In attendance:
Steven E Kreeger Sr AEC
Andy Gabbert EC
Thomas Zeller AEC /VE
Ron Young AEC
Steven Kreeger Jr
Dean (Newly tested ham)

2) Net Controls for November 2021:
11/8/21-Thomas Young-KB0ORZ
11/15/21-Ron Young-W0SEJ
11/22/21-John McBride-N0UQC
11/29/21-Steven E Kreeger Sr-KE0AKN (Simplex)
12/06/21-Andy Gabbert-KA0TUD

3) Christmas donations: canned goods and new toys
Canned goods and candy were brought in by different members of the group

4) Candy for parades, need volunteers.
Candy was brought in. Nobody volunteered at this time

5) ARES Weather Chat Group
All agreed to the weather chat and no comments that it will be used for weather related discussions only.

6) December meeting – December 11 (Saturday) 1:00 pm.
All agreed for this meeting. It will be final meeting of year and any canned goods and toys, this is the last chance, Lt Norris and Nathan are aware of the event.

7) Possible future Saturday afternoon meeting to attract night shift radio operators. Discussion on every month or each quarter starting 2022
Saturday meetings will be determined at each Monthly Tuesday meeting. Subject and coordination of training for the meeting will be done. Meeting may be affected by community events.

8) ARES web page being constantly updated.
Reminded everyone to subscribe of previous web page post. When web is updated, you will get an email of the notification.

9) Comments from EC – Andy Gabbert
No Comments

Everyone needs to turn in your hours for radio, weather and NWS from all sources to Ron Young. He needs to turn it into District (Tom Sims).

Drill exercise will change that is conducted on 3rd Tuesdays. Once you have been contacted, you will be assigned a new location to give details of area.

ARES Training:

a) Fox hunts presentation

b) Radio to go kits

c) Weather demos

d) Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc

e) ARES Plan training requirements

f) Search and Rescue

Upcoming Weather webinars:

a) NWS Winter IDSS for Core Partners 2021-2022
November 10, 2021 10:00am to 11:00am

b) Here Comes the Winter of 2022
November 18, 2021 7:00pm to 8:00pm

Possible Weekend Meetings

The leaders decided to do the December meeting on Saturday December 11 at 1:00 pm. This is due to all the obligations the group is doing during the first week of December.
Let me know if you are unable to attend, There will NOT be a Tuesday meeting due to the Joplin Christmas parade.
The December meeting is the final day to bring in gifts and canned goods for Donation drive.
We will discuss in November if a weekend meeting would be an ongoing event for 2022. (Possible 2nd Saturday)

ARES Leadership Meeting October 26, 2021

ARES Leadership Meeting 10.26
Steven Sr

1) December meeting due to obligations
December meeting moved to Sat Dec 11th at 1PM
Potentially Making it a second meeting a month or alternate it very other month

2) Emergency local Contacts
Received a list from JASCO/we have a phone # now to call and update as needed with weather(April)/City of Joplin Non-emergency number 417-623-3131 #0

3) Future training
Waiting until 2022 to continue any training/foxhunt/Antenna builds

4) Subjects for November meeting
Parade and volunteering to do the parade and Candy, Candy, can goods and toys/Working with Newton Co. and Cheryl/Ron doing some training/classes. Potential meeting with Wayne Nelson from Missouri Militia/Racine. Does anyone want to do a meet and greet dinner.

5) Candy for parades
Bring in Candy, dropping off additional items on a date closer to parade date.

6) Canned goods and toys for Christmas donations
Bring in Canned goods and toys, dropping off additional items on a date closer to parade date

7) Jasper County Emergency contact: (417-359-9100)

8) Future training or community events.
Steve is doing the Veterans Parade Nov 13th
Looking into doing something with the empire market

ARES Webpage- Make sure everyone is aware of it by commenting on the page