Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
Disaster Drill Simulation
March 15, 2022
Joplin City Hall has been hit with an explosion.
Unknow source of type and repercussion.
Emergency Manager has deployed the Jasper County Amateur Radio group coordinate reduction of traffic into Downtown Joplin. Radio coordination between check points.
The group will be utilizing the Joplin repeater 147.210. Approval has been given by the trustee to utilize it. It will be activated at 7:00 pm.
The group will be notified by phone of their location destination. They are to report of departure and arrival to destination.
Once all is all checked in. The members will convert to HTs to test if everyone can be heard.
Incident command will be located at 5th Main St for center of covered area.
6:50 pm Announce the drill exercise
7:00 pm Call all operators
7:30 pm Operators should be checking in
7:45 pm Test HTs among all users
8:00 pm Complete exercise and have users report when designated to home locations.