ARES Location

I am looking for a new meeting location for 2023. If anyone knows of a meeting room, that may be available for 1-2 days a month would help to conduct meetings and training at. Prefer in the Joplin area for everyone’s driving convenience. This will be for the 2023 year. Please let me know.

Jasper County ARES December Meeting

Reminder to bring your Christmas donations to the December ARES meting on Wednesday the 7th to the Salvation Army Building on 8th Kentucky at 7:00 pm. Donations are unwrapped toys and/or canned goods. If you can supply some candy for the parades, we can definitely use some for the Webb City parade on the 14th. […]

Christmas Donations 2022

I will be at the Salvation Army EDS building on Saturday from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm for collecting unwrapped toys and canned goods. These donations will be presented to one of the following charities: Watered Gardens The Lafayette House This will be a time of friendship and getting information on the following groups: Jasper […]

Spiva Park Decorating

On November 24 between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm, the Downtown Alliance Team needs assistance on putting up lights in the park. Please respond to me if available.

Keith Stammer Emergency Manager

Keith Stammers retirement reception has been moved to, November 4th from 2pm to 4pm at the Justice Center, 303 E 3rd. Joplin MO. Regards, Betha Elliott 4Corners Secretary

ARES 2023

A few questions here for 2023. First, I need to know if everyone was satisfied with the training, meetings and events for this year. How does everyone feel about my leadership? If you feel that someone else should lead, please let me know. I hope everyone enjoys the events that we have done. My goal […]

ARES Christmas Donations 2022

Starting the November ARES meeting, we will start collecting food and toys for the Christmas donations. Food should be nonperishable or can goods. Toys needs to be new and unwrapped. I will be available thru out the next two months’s for donations. We will house the items at the EDS garage in a locked room. […]

October 2022 ARES Meeting Minutes

Tue, Oct 4 at 9:27 PM Jasper County, Missouri Amateur Radio Emergency Services October 4, 2022 Agenda 1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members 2) Net Controls for the Following: October 10: Thomas October 17: Andy October 24:Ron October 31:(Simplex) Milton November 7: Steven Jr 3) Need EC or AEC to take over […]

Joplin HamFest 2022

The admission tickets are $8 advance, and can be purchased online. They are only needed for admission into the building. Eight bucks covers both days. The group has responsibility of security for the two doors and being sure no one enters unless they have a bracelet or buying ticketd. The group has responsibility for […]