Christmas Parades 2021
Jasper County ARES will be in the following parades to support those communities Christmas parades. We have one vehicle and trailer involved. We will have walkers walking behind passing candy out to kids. Joplin: Tuesday December 7, 2021 6:00 pm Set-up 4:30 pm Set-up between 15th and 24th Webb City: Wednesday December 8, 2021 6:00 […]
December 2021 ARES Net Controls
Net Controls for the December 2021 ARES Nets is following: 12/06/21 KA0TUD Andy Gabbert 12/13/21 KE0QCT Steven Kreeger Jr 12/20/21 KB0ORZ Thomas Zeller 12/27/21 W0SEJ Ronald Young 01/07/22 N0UQC John McBride Frequency 444.625 / 91 PL. Monday night at 8:00 pm
December 2021 ARES Meeting
The meeting will basically be time of fellowship with the Salvation Army group for donating canned goods and un-wrapped toy. While you are out shopping for your loved ones, to get something for the ARES food and gift giving on December 11 at 1:00 pm. If anyone has anything to discuss, we can gather for […]
I wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. This is the time to be thankful of the family and friends we have. May God bless all of you and protect you through the holiday season
Jasper County ARES November Minutes 2021
Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services November 2, 2021 Meeting Notes 1) Pledge of Allegiance was conducted In attendance: Steven E Kreeger Sr AEC Andy Gabbert EC Thomas Zeller AEC /VE Ron Young AEC Steven Kreeger Jr Dean (Newly tested ham) 2) Net Controls for November 2021: 11/8/21-Thomas Young-KB0ORZ 11/15/21-Ron Young-W0SEJ 11/22/21-John McBride-N0UQC 11/29/21-Steven E […]
Jasper County ARES November and December 6 Net Controls
11/8/21 Thomas Zeller KB0ORZ 11/15/21 Ron Young W0SEJ 11/22/21 John McBride N0UQC 11/29/21 Steven E Kreeger Sr KE0AKN 12/6/21 Andy Gabbert KA0TUD Nets are on 444.625/91.5 at 8:00 pm. 11/29/21 net will be simplex-146.400
Jasper County ARES Meeting November
ARES meeting tonight at 7:00 pm at the Salvation Army EDS building. 724 S Kentucky, Joplin Missouri
Possible Weekend Meetings
The leaders decided to do the December meeting on Saturday December 11 at 1:00 pm. This is due to all the obligations the group is doing during the first week of December. Let me know if you are unable to attend, There will NOT be a Tuesday meeting due to the Joplin Christmas parade. The […]
ARES Leadership Meeting October 26, 2021
ARES Leadership Meeting 10.26 Jennifer Andy Thomas Steven Sr 1) December meeting due to obligations December meeting moved to Sat Dec 11th at 1PM Potentially Making it a second meeting a month or alternate it very other month 2) Emergency local Contacts Received a list from JASCO/we have a phone # now to call and […]
October 23, 2021 ARES Fox Hunt
At 11:00 am on Saturday, October 23, there will be a short class on how to conduct an Amateur Radio Fox Hunt. Need consensus if everyone wants to do it at Landreth Park?