Amateur Radio Emergency Services
September 5, 2023
1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members
2) Net Controls for the Following:
September 11-Thomas
September 18-Andy
September 25-Ron
October 2-Steve Sr
ARES Training Sept 19 7PM Height above average Terrain
3) Thomas will take payments on shirts and vests
4) Bike Rides :
Jasper Trails (Maple Leaf) Bike Ride 10/14/23
Ride supposedly increased in size.
??(Red Shoe is October 7, 8:00 am)???
5) Downtown Third Thursday Closing dates: (Community service)
September 21-Salvation Army group will have a booth
October 19
6) September 16 is the NWS Open house in Springfield. Opens at 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
7) Request someone to take over coordination of community bike events
Pittsburg Crawford County ARES Meeting 9/9 9 AM at Fire Station #1. Enter in the back
8) Need ideas for meeting improvements. Been informed that meetings are not productive. Same as well how to improve training and start doing drill exercises.
Potentially create a training exercise for an actual drill. Pre-plan it and then initiate it.
9) Need ideas to how to improved membership. We are second largest county in District D and got lowest membership tally.
-Make sure Emails and phone numbers are updated.
10) Nixa Hamfest is November 11-Corrected Dates
Stateline ARES Nets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. 147.240 and 146.940 repeaters are linked.
KS/MO Skywarn Storm Spotters Alliance Group has the 7:00 pm net on 145.350 on Monday’s nights
Jasper County ARES net on Monday evenings. At 8:00 pm for Jasper County ARES. 444.625 / 91.5
District D ARES net on Fridays at 7:30pm
145.390 / 91.5
Fox hunts exercise
Radio to go kits
Weather demos
Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc
Show your shack
APRS System
Mock ARES exercise
Deploy and set up to go kit
Fill out ICS 214 form. Use for events and deployment