Jasper County, Missouri Amateur Radio Emergency Services
March 2, 2024 Agenda
1) Pledge of Allegiance and address any new members
2) Net Controls for the Following:
April 8: Thomas Zeller
April 15: Steve Sr
April 22: Ron
April 29: Simplex
May 6: Andy
John H
Steve K
3) FEMA transcripts. Everyone needs to acquire their FEMA transcript and forward to Thomas Zeller.
4) FEMA courses that need to be obtained are IS-100, 200, 700 and 800.
5) Everyone is to bring their tasks books to each ARES meeting.
6) April 20, Red Cross is installing smoke alarms in Carthage and are wanting to have ham radio communications support. 8am to 1:00 pm. Frequency is simplex 146.400. Lunch is provided, Any volunteers??
7) May 4th is the Coal Miners Century bike ride. It has 25, 67, and 100 mile courses. Four rest stops. Will begin at the Bicknell Family Center. KE0AKN has spreadsheet for availability slots.
8) Jasper Coalition still will be running the Maple Leaf bike ride in October 2024.
9) No information from the Roadrunner’s bike group.
10) Need help promoting ARES to the community. If you find an event that may need communications help, Let Thomas be aware of it.
We discussed Meeting at the Boys and Girls club, doing 3rd Thursday and bringing in a tv to show videos, checking with more bike rides.
Also discussed doing a Fox Hunt April 16 training on Fox Hunt and May 21st is the actual Fox Hunt.
Stateline ARES Nets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. 147.240 and 146.940 repeaters are linked.
KS/MO Skywarn Storm Spotters Alliance Group has the 7:00 pm net on 145.350 on Monday’s nights
Jasper County ARES net on Monday evenings. At 8:00 pm for Jasper County ARES. 444.625 / 91.5
District D ARES net on Fridays at 7:30pm 145.390 / 91.5
a) Fox hunts exercise
b) Radio to go kits
c) Weather demos
d) Radio repairs, ie, radios, antennas, etc
e) Show your shack
f) APRS System
g) Mock ARES exercise
h) Deploy and set up to go kit
i) Fill out ICS 214 form. Use for events and deployment