Jasper ARES-Jasper County Amateur Radio Emergency Services
ARES Meetings:
Meeting Place: Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services Building
724 S Kentucky, Joplin, Mo
Tuesday of each month: Emergency/Events/Training
(No Dues are required)
Emergency Coordinator: Andy Gabbert-KA0TUD
Radio Net: 444.625 / Pl tone 91.50 08:00pm Monday evenings
Facebook Page: https:// Jasper Co. Missouri ARES
District D ARES Web Page: https://ares-mo.org/district-info/district-d
Jasper County ARES Web Page: http://jasperares.org/contact/
NOAA : https://www.weather.gov/
Amateur Radio Relay League ARRL http://www.arrl.org/
The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) consists of trained radio amateurs who provide public service communication support
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