1) Pledge of Allegiance and any new members introductions
2) Net Controls for the following:
August 12: Thomas
August 19: Steve Sr
August 26: Ron
September 2: Cancelled due to Labor day holiday
3) ARES Missouri Section Emergency Communicator Skill Book-Try to get caught up on all of these, if you have questions on these please reach out to Thomas.
4) Need FEMA Transcripts
5) Joplin Trails Coalition Maple Leaf Bike ride- October 12th-More details to come, It is a go.
6) Joplin Hamfest: August 23- 24th
Friday August 23rd: 12PM to 7 PM Thomas Zeller 12-1 John Horan 1-3 Ray Brown 3-5 Open 5-7
Saturday August 24th 8 AM to 2 PM 8-10: Jenni K 10-12: Jenni K 12-2: Jenni K
7) Other Events:August 20th training-Bug out bag/radio bad dispay Suggestions are Traffic messages handling Sept 17,
8) Other discussion: AEC’s:Next monthly meeting: September 3rd
Nets: *Stateline ARES Net- Wednesday at 7:00 PM 147.240 and 146.940- These two repeaters are linked so which one you can access better. 91.5 pl tone
*KS/MO Skywarn Spotters Alliance Group Net- Monday at 7:00 PM on 145.350 91.5 pl tone
*Joplin Amateur Radio Club Net- Monday at 7:30 PM on 147.210 91.5 pl tone
*Jasper County Missouri ARES Net- Monday at 8:00 PM on 145.190 91.5 pl tone
*AuxCommUSA Net- Thursday at 8:00 PM on 145.350 91.5 pl tone Also, on Echolink: AUXCUSA node 980147; DMR: Talk Group TGIF (Color 1, Time 1); DSTAR: XLX0KL C; Yausu Fusion 31207
*District D ARES Net- Friday at 7:30 PM on 145.390 91.5 pl tone. This repeater is part of the SMLRS- Can find repeaters linked by going to smlrs.info.
* Red Cross Echolink Net- DCF-ARC conference link 8 PM- Sundays. Do not need to be a part of the Red Cross to check in
* New DMR Repeater- Carthage 443.775 color code 5, timeslot 1 31291 and timeslot 2 31201
9) Projects
a) Radio To Go kits
b) Weather Demos
c) Radio repairs, i.e. radios, antennas
d) Show your shack
e) APRS System