Jasper County ARES consists of a group of licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time and equipment to serve the communication needs of the community when disaster strikes.
We are in District D of the Missouri Section of ARES, which is part of the Midwest Division of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
We hold a weekly training net, Mondays at 8:00p CT on the 444.625 (+) repeater with PL of 91.5.
Meetings are the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:00p CT at the Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Service Building, 724 S Kentucky, Joplin Missouri .
All are welcome to attend. Looking for new members to attend and join the group that supports multiple activites around the community.
The new meeting location seems to work out very well, our group mans a table at each Joplins’ 3rd Thursday event each month. This event is to show the public what services are available in the Joplin Mo area. Everyone is invited to come by and see us. Remember, our meetings, the1st Tuesday of each month, held at the church, at 706 Byers, in Joplin. We hold weekly nets, each Monday evening at 8 pm or after the JARC net, on 147.210.
Look us up on Facebook, ” Jasper Co ARES “
This needs changed, updated
I’m in the process of making plans, to create a table top exercise for the Jasper County ARES group, to be held in the near future. Location of course will be at our current Meeting location, during the monthly meeting. If anyone would like to assist in the planning of this, please contact me, at 417-540-6224.
Jasper County ARES
EC: Andy Gabbert
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February program meeting for the Joplin arc, topic will be/ presented by
The Jasper County ARES. Also don’t forget to keep updated info by checking the Springfield NWS website.
Andy. agabbert1980@icloud.com.
Ka0tud. Jasper Co. ARES
To all current ARES members. I hope all is approving the approach we are trying to do this year. Even though we are a small group, we need to ask around for volunteers. We need to grow in order to help our local communities in events and disasters. The goal of this group is to be the lead if a disaster hits our communities. If anyone has ideas, please let me know. KE0AKN
At the JARC program meeting (February) the program topic will be, ARES. Everyone interested in ARES, please attend. The JasperCounty ARES plans and discuss activities at our Monthly meeting, held at the Church, at 716 Byres, Joplin, Mo. Our meeting, begins at 7 pm, everyone is welcome. Although the JARC meeting are held at a different location, 1st & 2nd Tuesday’s at 7 pm.
Listed below are some 2019 Storm Spotting videos from Skywarn:
New ARES plan that was drafter 1.30.19
Joplin Amateur Radio Club Programming meeting will be the ARES demonstation
I sent most members a copy of the email that I got from NOAA, that the Jasper County ARES is now listed as a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador. See below:
Welcome to the NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ initiative. Your organization has been accepted as a NOAA Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.
The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador initiative is an effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate …
See More
About this website
Weather-Ready Nation
Are you prepared for tornados and other spring hazards? The new NWS Strategic Plan is now available. Do you know your local preparedness week? Click here for more information
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Please notice the Jasper County ARES has now changed locations. We now meet at;
Joplin fire station #1, at 7 pm the 1st Tuesday evening each month.
Look forward to seeing you..
Jasper County ARES is now meeting at a different location, the central fire station in Joplin.
Welcome, the City of Joplin has provided our ARES group with a new location for our Monthly meetings, which seems to be working out well.
Meeting are held monthly, the first Tuesday evening at 7 pm at Fire station
#1, 303East 3rd, Joplin Mo.
Weekly ARES nets held every Monday at 8 pm on 444.625 MHz. Or after the JARC net. Everyone welcome.
** Please be aware **.
These meetings usually are attended by less than 25 people.
If your interested in public service, communications, we could sure use your help, just get in touch, drop by a meeting.